Buddy Reading with Room 24

As part of our CARE programme we meet with our buddy class, Room 24 as often as possible to share our learning and read with a buddy. In addition to finding out what is happening in other classes across the school, we get to read with and be read to by our buddy. We also enjoy seeing our buddies around the school at break times and in assembly.

CARE Values - Community: Joining In and Taking Turns

As part of the CARE Values at Oaklands, joining in is an important part of being an excellent community member. Participating in the Junior Choir required weekly commitment along with  remembering all the lines and actions.
It was so much fun performing in front of our Whanau and the school.

Term 2 Reading

I am learning to use punctuation to make reading more interesting, and to make sense of the story.

'We did a play and using exclamation marks, commas and speech mark properly made it a lot more interesting."


When I went on the bus to Halswell Quarry, I sat sensibly and talked quietly. I also got on and off the bus sensibly.

I showed my CARE values.

Integrated Topic - Animals and Habitats - What I can do to help protect their habitats.

I have been learning about animals and their habitats. We went to Halswell Quarry and learnt about different habitats for birds and insects. We went on a walk. It was fun using magnifying glasses to look for insects and in their habitats. We had to put the leaves and branches back over the insects to keep them safe.

Pricipal'a Award - Reading Goals

"At the whole school Assembly I got a Principal's Award. It was for knowing my reading goals and getting them.

I have moved up 8 reading levels so far this year. I worked really hard because I wanted to be good at reading."

CARE - Community

Community - Participating and Joining in Activities.

I had fun at the disco because I danced with my friends and Miss Hebbend and Mrs Coom.
I wore lipstick.

Reading - Term 1 Year 2

Learning Intention: I have been learning to read across words and look for clusters
of letters to work out unknown words.

I can find little words in bigger words. I do this by covering letters and sounding out

I am reading to a buddy from our buddy class, Room 24.

PE - Swimming

I have been learning to kick my legs to swim through the water.

'I like collecting rings underwater. I have to go under the water and kick my legs to get there before my friends.'